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Shareholders of AMIC Ukraine: “Now it’s the time to take care of the community and its needs. Business comes later” 11150
Point of view Shareholders of AMIC Ukraine: “Now it’s the time to take care of the community and its needs. Business comes later”
Günter Maier and Andreas Sernetz discuss network development and restoration of lost stations, social responsibility and investments in promising areas, as well as expectations for the current year
«Eco-friendly» Gas And «Scientific» Coal Mining 29974
«Eco-friendly» Gas And «Scientific» Coal Mining
Where disinformation about the fight against the climate crisis is being spread and what it leads to


The quality of the judiciary: Improving the efficiency of the Disciplinary Inspector Service with the help of AI
Andriy Potiomkin
And to what extent AI can speed up the processing of disciplinary complaints against judges
Compensation for losses: how Ukrainian business can recover from the russian federation everything lost
Anton Yanchuk
How does the option of receiving funds based on decisions of Ukrainian courts on recovery of damages from russia without their implementation work
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