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Strengthening energy independence through decentralized generation: where Europe is heading and how Ukraine can catch up 2638
Strengthening energy independence through decentralized generation: where Europe is heading and how Ukraine can catch up
What are the plans and which benchmarks should be considered?
SID Venture Partners co-founder: ‘The number of Ukrainian-founded startups is decreasing. We're checking what's available in the Valley’ 2357
SID Venture Partners co-founder: ‘The number of Ukrainian-founded startups is decreasing. We're checking what's available in the Valley’
Dmytro Vartanian on his most failed investment, new funds, syndicate deals, and leaving Elai.io


On the grant hook: why Ukrainian businesses may sue USAID operators
Olha Shaverina
How grant recipients can survive, and banks and Ukraine can profit
Trump halts USAID projects: a non-trivial look at the reasons for resistance and consequences
Serhiy Lyamets
How urgent is an audit of programs for the U.S. agency?
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